August 5, 2021
First Thursday ArtWalk Returns to
Downtown San Pedro in August
U.S. 99 Band to Perform
Masks Required for All Indoor Locations
Thursday, August 5, 2021, 6-9pm
SAN PEDRO, CA, The popular First Thursday ArtWalk will return at 6pm on Thursday, August 5th, in the historic core of downtown San Pedro. The redesigned First Thursday will feature guided ArtWalk tours, open galleries, outdoor dining, and live music on the corner of Sixth and Mesa. Come out and enjoy!
• A selection of open galleries includes Michael Stearns Studio, MS Gallery, and Gallery Azul.
• ArtWalk guided tour leaving at 6pm, from Sirens Java & Tea located at 402 W Seventh Street
• Live Music at 6th & Mesa: U.S. 99 Band to perform starting at 6pm on August 5th
• Curated Food Trucks on Mesa Street close to 5th and 8th Streets.
To bring back the event, the San Pedro Arts & Cultural District partners surveyed area artists, and business owners. The First Thursday stakeholders then met to plan the return of the First Thursday ArtWalk. The evaluations prompted changes to the 24-year-old ArtWalk and the collaborators will meet frequently to review their effectiveness. Stakeholder feedback suggested marketing to different arts publications, adding dedicated staff, and placing food trucks to encourage guests to walk to the reaches of the ArtWalk.
“It was of primary importance to the Arts & Cultural District to request stakeholder feedback from artists for their advice about the relaunch of First Thursday,” stated Amy Eriksen, Director of Angels Gate Cultural Center and partner in the San Pedro Arts & Cultural District. “We listened to the ideas and concerns expressed, documented the feedback and came back with changes to the event from those observations.”
“We are extremely excited to finally welcome visitors back to enjoy the arts, dining, and music in downtown San Pedro. After 17 months of being quarantined, it is our honor to be a part of bringing back a venerable San Pedro tradition,” stated Linda Grimes, Managing Director of the San Pedro Waterfront Arts District and partner in the San Pedro Arts & Cultural District.
About First Thursday ArtWalk: In operation for 24 years since November of 1997, the First Thursday ArtWalk was conceived by local artists and business owners to bring back visitors to the historic core of downtown San Pedro to highlight area artists, live/work studios, and galleries to revitalize San Pedro.
To participate in First Thursday, organizations who plan to use the sidewalks must be invited by a property owner or a business owner. Inquiries regarding performing at First Thursday stage should be directed to Francis Ruiz at fruiz@sanpedrobid.com. General questions or suggestions regarding First Thursday can be emailed to 1stthursdaysanpedro@gmail.com.
Event hashtags – #discoversanpedro, #iheartsanpedro #sanpedrotoday #sanpedrofirstthursday, #spfirsthursdayartwalk, #scenicsanpedro
About the San Pedro Arts & Cultural District: The San Pedro Arts & Cultural District was established by the State of California to celebrate the state’s diverse and abundant cultural treasures. One of only 14 inaugural California Cultural Districts, the San Pedro Arts & Cultural District is home to over 90 working artists, galleries, and cultural assets.
The San Pedro Arts & Cultural District is a collaboration between six partners: the San Pedro Waterfront Arts District, Grand Vision Foundation, Angels Gate Cultural Center, the Office of Councilmember Joe Buscaino, the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce and the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium. Stakeholders include; San Pedro Property Owners Alliance, local artists, gallery owners, arts organizations and cultural institutions throughout the District.
For more information regarding the Cultural District and locations of galleries, please visit: https://www.sanpedrochamber.com/CMSPages/GetPage?pageTitle=California%20Cultural%20Districts&pageName=california-cultural-districts&menuId=2369&parentNavigationId=84222 or
Visit Our Creations on 6th St. and Meet 7 amazing local artists
Our Creations
416 W. 6th St.
San Pedro, CA. 90731
1st Thursday hours: 6 pm – 9 pm
Visit the store and check out the work of 7 different San Pedro Art Association artists. We will have jewelry, oil paintings, ceramics, crafts and much, much more. Stop by and say hello and have a glass of wine with us. Welcome back folks! See you at the artwalk!
Guided ArtWalk Tours Return with 1st Thursday, Honoring Pat Carroll
As you may remember, the one-year anniversary of the Arts District’s Board Chair Emeritus, Pat Carroll’s death was on June 21st, 2021. Now we can gather safely, we invite you to join us on FirstThursday August 5th at 5:00pm in Sirens for a remembrance of her amazing life.
This is an informal memorial, where those of you so moved can share short memories of Pat before the 6:00pm guided ArtWalk Tour.
Immediately following, the guided ArtWalk Tour will return in a test run at 6:00pm and will gather in Sirens Java & Tea, sirensjavahouse.com, 402 W 7th St, San Pedro, Ca 90731.
To register for both events, please click here: https://www.eventbrite.com/…/firstthursday-artwalk…